Copy of Legacy Food Plots

Legacy food plots are the future of food plots!

After years and years of wasting your time, money, and effort to maintain food plots… The Future is finally here with a simplified effective way to attract big deer. Providing a better source of food than normal clover and basilica grass mix that brings the deer back year after year!

Why Legacy Food Plots?

The Legacy Food Plot is a one-time investment which provides a near maintenance free solution for anyone looking to provide an instant food source for many years to come! For over 35 years we have protected trees from deer browse with Tree Pro tree protectors. WHY? DEER LOVE TO EAT TENDER FRESH TREE SPOUTS.
What is Legacy Food Plots?
The plot is made up of  20 genetic white oak and 100 red oak seedlings, established from acorns, on a 6’ x 6’ grid or custom layout. The 100 red oak seed will be planted in the 24” tree protector. The deer will feed on the tree’s fresh shouts. New sprouts will take the place of the taken.
Materials included:
  • 20 early producing (4-6 years) white hybrid oak acorns (Bodacious Bur, Sargent #5 & #7, Morse Hybrid, Jack Hybrid, Bimundors, English Fastigiate)
  • 100 red oak acorns
  • 100  tree tubes (24″ tall)
  • 20 tree tubes (60″ tall)

If you would like to learn more about Legacy food plots, please call us 269-979-4252!

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